Russian Icons Restoration And Conservation.

Russian Icons Restoration And Conservation.

Icons restoration and conservation should reduce the number of operations as much as possible, all newly added elements should be singled out, all additions executed in a modern style. Modern methods of restoration permit the application of all latest achievements of science and diverse physicochemical methods of research for the strengthening of object of art. Diverse materials may be used in the process of restoration but on the surface they should be close to the original materials of the icon and be reversible.

Restoration and conservation of Russian icons and material culture more often has their reconstruction in the condition most close to the original for an object.

Particularly the methods of clearing the latest layers from icons have been changed. Traditional ways of clearing by means of softening the retouching using compresses with organic dissolvents and then their removal with scalpel gave way for careful and scrupulous work under the microscope. Special micro instruments came up to take usual medical scalpels’ place. Macro- and microphotography became customary for everyday control of conservation conducting.