Fine Art Restoration Services

Fine Art Restoration Services in Bellevue, Seattle, Redmond. Our company specializes in the restoration and conservation of priceless artwork, precious heirlooms and beloved possessions through the use of special techniques and materials developed over the years by Grashe Fine Art Restorers.

We are located in downtown Bellevue, Washington and work with clients from our state as well as clients from all over the country. In the past thirty five years we have also worked with clients from other countries. Please visit the Most Interesting Projects in Progress web page to see the details on rare and interesting cases of fine art restoration we completed in the past.

Our clients include individuals seeking sensitive care and treatment of their personal heirlooms, dealers, galleries and collectors. We provide extensive services to transportation and insurance companies.

Summary Of Services:

Paintings Restoration and Conservation Services

Taking care of paintings is delicate and complex. As paintings age, the appearance of the image changes not only because of accumulated dirt, but also because aging itself can alter the materials that make up the image. Methods for removing dirt and other obscuring material require great skill because any changes to the painting surface may bring about irreversible and damaging results, permanently affecting the aesthetic and monetary value of the work.

We offer a full range of services in the conservation and restoration of paintings. We start with a full analysis of the exact condition of the picture insofar as it can be ascertained by visual means. When required, we can employ specific scientific tests such as ultraviolet and infrared photography, radiography, computer aided image processing and many other techniques. After analysis, we plan the project in detail and make our recommendations. Often there are several avenues of action and the client is made aware of his options and the expected results.

Porcelain, Terracotta, Ceramic, China, Pottery Restoration and Conservation.

By mixing several organic and non organic ingredients with light curing composites we have developed different materials that are used as adhesives and paste. These composites are very similar to porcelain and harden by ultraviolet light in temperatures as low as 150° F.

In case of large (percentage wise) missing fragments, we manufacture ceramic/porcelain replacements by modeling lost fragments in wax, making a mold, and then removing the wax by porcelain either by conventional method using kiln or using our own technique, whichever achieves the best possible result.

By combining old world craftsmanship with state-of-the-art technology, we bring damaged objects of art back to life.

When restoration is complete it will be absolutely impossible to see the difference between restored and original surfaces

Russian Icons Restoration And Conservation.

Icons restoration and conservation should reduce the number of operations as much as possible, all newly added elements should be singled out, all additions executed in a modern style. Modern methods of restoration permit the application of all latest achievements of science and diverse physicochemical methods of research for the strengthening of object of art. Diverse materials may be used in the process of restoration but on the surface they should be close to the original materials of the icon and be reversible.

Restoration and conservation of Russian icons and material culture more often has their reconstruction in the condition most close to the original for an object.

Particularly the methods for removing the latest layers from icons have been changed. Traditional ways of removing by means of softening the retouching with compresses of organic dissolvents and then layer removal by scalpel has been replaced with careful and scrupulous work under the microscope. Special micro instruments have taken the place of medical scalpels. Macro- and microphotography became customary for everyday control of conservation conducting.

Ivory/ Bone Sculptures and Artifacts – cleaning, restoration and Conservation

Elephant tusk ivory has been prized since antiquity for the creation of small sculptures. Responsive to the cutting of fine detail, it enables carvers to achieve great artistic and emotional expressiveness in a highly compressed format. When polished, the lustrous surface of ivory is enticing to the touch and especially well suited for works meant to be handled in the intimate environment of private devotion or the collectors' cabinets of the late Renaissance and Baroque eras.

Ivory Restoration

Ivory - as distinguished from bone, antler or horn - includes the tusks and the unusually large or projecting teeth of animals such as elephant, walrus and several species of whale. It consists of dentine, made up of components which are both organic (to provide the capacity for growth and repair) and inorganic (to provide rigidity and strength). Identification of the type of ivory is based on the composition of the dentine and its specific growth structure.

Ivory is very reactive to its environment. It bleaches when exposed to light but the most severe changes are linked to changes in relative humidity and temperature. Low relative humidity causes desiccation, shrinkage and cracking, while high relative humidity can cause warping and swelling. Heat fluctuations induce similar expansion and contraction. These problems are particularly acute with thin ivory objects, such as miniatures.

Some darkening or "patina" is the result of the natural aging process of ivory's organic constituents. Because it is porous, ivory is also susceptible to staining. It darkens in contact with the skin or oils and can be stained by corroding metals or other colored materials.

Many liquids, including water and cleaning solutions, are destructive to ivory and should be avoided.

Broken, friable or extremely dirty objects requiring restoration, consolidation or extensive cleaning should be referred to a professional conservator. Ivory origins, structure and properties, histological and physico-chemical. It is different types of ivory: hippo teeth, red deer antler, whale tooth, vegetable ivory and imitations. Bleaching, softening and dyeing procedures, and assembly suitable for ivory. The deterioration factors resulting changes in the ivory includes temperature, RH, anisotropy and yellowing, alteration of histological structure and of colour in archaeological ivory.

Restoration: physical and chemical desalination methods, adhesion of detached parts, consolidation, reintegration of losses and cleaning.

Finest Glass and Crystal Restoration

By its nature and because of its translucency, glass would seem less amenable to repair or invisible restoration than any of the other objects of fine art .

Using new technology and materials (light curing composites), invisible restoration of glass and crystal becomes possible.

Marble, Bronze, Plaster, Stone Sculpture Restoration and Conservation

Both superficial damage and structural damage to Marble, Bronze, Plaster, Stone sculptures. We can recreate missing parts and help restore and conserve your sculpture or any other object of fine art to its original condition.

We can restore and conserve Jade, Onyx, Enamel, Works on Paper, Antique and contemporary Frames, Gilded objects of art, Murals, sculptures and any other objects of fine art.

Bisque Porcelain Dolls Restoration

Antique Porcelain Dolls Restoration by Grashe Fine Art Restorers Michael Grashe own his Dental degree and Ph.D. in Fine Art Restoration, Great combination for amazing results particularly in porcelain restoration.

It is often said in science that theories can never be proved before experimental work has been performed. So, we experiment with our own method for many years using our 38 years' experience and knowledge in dentistry, art history and fine art conservation and restoration. Using the most sophisticated light curing composites and 21st century technology - we are more than capable to generate absolutely magnificent results.